Joseph Ensko

Vice President
Richard DeVoe

John A. Tricomi, Jr.

John Kelly

The Retired Boston Police Officers Association strives each year to help out other organizations and charities along with our members who are in need due to extenuating circumstances associated with retirement. The donations made to us in the past have gone on to support Operation Code Blue, a program developed by our retired officers to fingerprint as many school-age children as posable in an attempt to keep kids safe. Along with Marion Manner, Cops for Kids with Cancer, VFW Post 1018 and variety of other charities, each year we provide scholarships to our retired members who have grandchildren attending school full time. If you would like to make a donation we accept checks, money orders and for those that would like to make a credit card donation you can use PayPal.

To use Paypal please click below

Retired Boston Police Association
a 501C tax deductible nonprofit charitable organization

If you would like to send a donation by mail you can download our donation form (pdf). Please make out your check or money order to Retired Boston Police Officers Association and mail it to:

Retired Boston Police Association
P.O. Box #320254
West Roxbury, MA 02100

The Retired Boston Police Officers Association appreciates your generous donations and continued support of our organization.

EIN/Tax ID#04-3462466